705 white papers and resources
Regulation underpins the practices and procedures of every single activity undertaken by the banking and finance communities: from what information needs to be contained in a disclosure document through to what constitutes bribery. Regulation is increasingly in focus, as the world’s governments struggle to bring us all back to financial stability. Below you will find law and regulation white papers that will show you the latest developments and what you need to do so your organisation stays within the law.
Selecting the right cybercrime-prevention solution
Financial institutions, commercial enterprises and government organisations are all prime targets for cyber-crime. Malicious software, or malware, is the primary attack tool used by cyber criminals to execute account takeover attacks, stealcredentials and personal information, and initiate…
Next generation criminal fraud detection: Identifying account takeover and fraudulent transactions to help stop cybercriminals
In today’s ever changing fraud landscape, much of the currently used statistical-based fraud detection methodology is creating significant challenges for both organizations and end users. These statistical models generate high false positive rates and provide a risk score that does not effectively…
Hedge Funds: Facing new challenges
The global financial markets are on the threshold of a new regulatory era. Technology will undoubtedly underpin hedge funds’ efforts to comply and compete in this changing environment. But is it better to build tailor-made systems in-house or use a third-party provider of off-the-shelf products?
Top-Tier US Banks Capital Plans
This white paper highlights the key elements of the banks’ capital plan submissions which were identified as suffering from critical weaknesses. The thirty top tier US banks now involved in this high stakes annual assessment are painfully aware that even a passing grade is insufficient to meet…
Seven signs you’ve outgrown your treasury management system
Seismic shifts in global regulation and a more complex banking landscape areleaving treasurers vulnerable. Legacy treasury management systems cannot meet increasing national and cross-border demands, or provide the real-time decision support tools needed to optimally monitor and control risk. No…
Operational risk management in the world of big data
Today, with operational risk emerging as a primary risk threat in all major economies, market players are looking to the potential of big data as a primary driver of next-generation operational riskmanagement.
DFA Capital Planning Shakes Up Banks’ Infrastructure
In the past four years, the universe of US banks required to submit annualcapital plans supported by company-wide stress tests to the Federal Reserve for assessment has grown from 19 to more than 80. At the same time, the standards prescribed by the Federal Reserve have grown progressively more…
A New Approach to Regulatory Compliance
Since the 2008 ‘financial crisis’, regulators in virtually every jurisdiction have significantly ‘upped the ante’ in terms of levels of disclosure, granularity, trace-ability and frequency of regulatory reporting requirements.
Creating Safe and Fair Markets
In this white paper intended for the wider financial industry, we present our vision for the design and regulation of electronic financial markets empowered by formal verification.
OECD CRS: The Global Challenge for Automatic Account Reporting
FATCA, and in particular the implementation via intergovernmental agreements, has triggered a global waveof regulatory measures geared towards an automatic exchange of tax-related information and increased tax transparency. This currently culminates in the upcoming implementation of the OECD Common…