ACL delivers technology solutions that are transforming audit and risk management to give organizations unprecedented control over their business.
Our integrated family of products—including our cloud-based governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) solution and flagship data analytics products—are used at all levels of the enterprise to help maximize growth opportunities by identifying and mitigating risk, protecting profits, and accelerating performance.
Thanks to 25 years of experience and our consultative approach, we implement flawlessly so customers realize concrete business results fast at low risk. Our actively engaged community of more than 14,000 customers around the globe—including 89% of the Fortune 500 and hundreds of governments—tells our story best.”
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Bribery and Corruption: The Essential Guide to Managing the Risks
This white paper outlines the key aspects of an effective process framework for managing the risks of bribery and corrupt payments.
Will your business practices come back to haunt you? Use technology to mitigate your chances of conduct risk
Conduct risk is not something that can be identified by applying a simple boilerplate. Each financial services business will have its own culture, customer base, product portfolio and marketing strategy, so the risks will to some extent be bespoke to the business and they may also be deep-rooted.