Hedge Funds
144 white papers and resources
Hedge funds are a managed group of investments. Generally they will undertake a mixture of trading activities and have a wide array of investment strategies and techniques. They will be active in both domestic and international markets. They are in pursuit of the highest return as well as their traditional aim being to reduce risk. Risk Library provides a range of hedge fund white papers on key issues organisation need to consider including positions, markets, expected returns, rate of investment, time-frames, diversity and techniques.
Hedge funds face growing risk, technology and data challenges
Hedge fund managers need to concentrateon performance. But technology requirements, particularly in a multiasset class and highly regulated, complex environment, can prove to be a distraction. Bennett Egeth is president of Broadridge Investment Management Solutions,a provider of technology to more…
Risk Books: High-Frequency Trading Extract
This is the survival guide for trading in a world where high-frequency trading predominates in markets, accounting for upwards of 60% of trading in equities and futures, and 40% in foreign exchange.
An introduction to the survival guide to commodity investing and trading
Stinson Gibner brings two decades’ worth of experience to Commodity Investing and Trading and discusses all aspects of the commodity markets, from fundamentals to how best to invest and trade in them.
Asset allocation with shadow assets
The wealth of most investors contains both financial assets as well as non-financial assets. This white paper defines shadow assets as (mostly) non-financial and non-tradeable assets that are exogenous to the investor’s asset allocation decision.
M&A representations and warranties insurance: what every buyer and seller needs to know
This white paper looks at what every buyer and seller needs to know about an extremely valuable instrument that can help close deals, not delay them, provide real coverage for troublesome aspects of a deal, and distinguish one's offer in a competitive bidding situation.
Green REITs, MLPs and Up-Cs
Tax-efficient capital vehicles for unregulated utility investments are considered in this white paper. In focus are real estate investment trusts, master limited partnerships and umbrella partnership C corporations.
Seasonal forecasts: a path to profits?
What value can be placed on accurate storage levels for natural gas analysts and traders? This white paper reviews recent activity and looks at new methods of analysis – which, in turn, can deliver a new competitive advantage and lower risks for investors in this field.
Norway v Russia: Impact of price renegotiations of long-term contracts on gas supply to Europe
In 2012 Russian gas export to Europe dropped. Russia lost market share in Europe to its closest competitor Norway. This year Russia is gaining its market position back. This white paper considers what implications this will have on pricing and the effects for investors in this area.
UAE investment funds regulation: funds industry welcomes changes
The UAE Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) has made some significant changes to its Investment Funds Regulations (IFR) prior to the 12 month transitional period (during which all fund managers are to apply for approval of their funds for marketing in the UAE) expiring in August 2013.
Amendments to the CIS regulations and regulatory treatment of closed-end funds
Following the consultation by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), changes were made to prospectus disclosure requirements applying for offers of units in collective investment schemes to the retail public. The impact of these changes is discussed in this white paper.