Premia Partners
Premia Partners is an investment manager dedicated to Asia ETF & smart beta investment solutions. We founded the firm on 3 core beliefs:
- There is enormous scope for innovation in Asian ETFs and opportunities to introduce global best practice to the region
- Asian investors shouldn’t have to trade in New York or London to find the best products the ETF industry has to offer
- Asian investors deserve better solutions than available today and technology allows us to make them a reality
Working with leading global thinkers and institutions, our goal is to be a trusted ETF partner for investors by providing best-in-class ETFs, a range of ETF tools and solutions, and an efficient technology platform that enriches and empowers our partners and investors in Asia and for Asia.
We are focused on 2 main businesses to start:
- Creating best-in-class Asia listed ETFs that deliver Asia exposures not available today
- Solving the complexity of the global ETF industry for Asian clients
All content by Premia Partners
2018 China Market Outlook
This white paper examines the drivers of Chinese market performance (2017), as well as the upcoming opportunities and challenges of 2018. It goes on to further explore the risks to be mindful of, as well as the current trends and their effect on the wider marketplace.
Integrating smart beta into a developing Chinese market
This Q&A discusses the key factors that investors need to consider when thinking of utilising a smart beta strategy. It further explores how your organisation can improve its exposure to Asian markets, particularly China