At RegCentric, we combine deep subject matter expertise with decades of experience in technology to design and deliver the optimal solutions to your business needs. Whether you are addressing a single regulatory requirement, such as APRA reporting, or you are working towards an enterprise-wide digital transformation, our team of consultants are uniquely positioned to assist you to determine your optimal strategy and deliver on the execution. We understand your business. We understand the Australian regulatory landscape. We live and breathe technology. We deliver results.
Our consultants come from various backgrounds: from APRA, the financial services industry and international software vendors. What has brought us together is our passion to design and implement optimal solutions to improve business processes and deliver insights whilst ensuring regulatory compliance.
All content by RegCentric
The end of the batch process - how streaming technology will change the world of risk
In risk management, the need for speed has never been more pressing than during the current crisis. Batch processing has been deeply embedded in the banking industry for decades now. From processing end of day batch processes in core systems (e.g. calculating interest) to sending data downstream…