Travers Smith
Never ones for fanfare, we have spent the past 150 years quietly building a reputation for excellence. The key to our reputation is an uncompromising focus and iron grip on quality control. This, when allied to one of the highest retention rates in the City, means we are able to present clients with consistent teams of uniformly excellent lawyers.
Our partners are to the fore throughout every transaction and they lead small, close-knit teams that stay with clients for the long-term, allowing them to develop real relationships with our clients and a genuine in-depth understanding of their business. Our size allows us to be entrepreneurial in approach and exceptionally efficient. We fight only the battles that are worth winning, focusing all the time on the results we can achieve for our clients rather than the points we can score. This approach has attracted a long and loyal list of clients to our firm.
We are currently around 250 lawyers. We have grown steadily over the years and continue to grow; but it has been a carefully controlled organic growth rather than expansion by merger which could, we believe, lead to a dilution of both our culture and the quality of our service.
All content by Travers Smith
Investment funds: a comprehensive review and guide to the year ahead
There is little doubt that 2012-2013 is a period of significant change for the investment funds industry. Understandably, there has been a lot of attention given to the AIFMD, but there have been and will be other developments of considerable importance to the alternative investment funds market.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained: a guide to the European Venture Capital Fund Regulation
This white paper provides an overview of the proposed European Venture Capital Fund Regulation, focused on encouraging venture capital financing. Set to come into force at the same time as the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, all key implications are discussed.
Private Equity Legal Update – October 2012
Under consideration in this white paper are the latest legal and regulatory developments affecting private equity, including recent case law, changes to company law, tax, corporate governance, pensions and accounting.
Private Equity Legal Update – July 2012
This white paper includes a round-up of recent case law, plus highlights of the latest environmental, regulatory, competition and employment law developments of relevance to those involved in private equity.
Investment companies and charges of misconduct
Set within the context of the decision clearing John Pottage of misconduct in carrying out his CF3 and CF8 functions when CEO at UBS Wealth Management (UK) Limited and UBS AG, this white paper sets out some key points to note for regulated firms and their senior management and compliance staff.
Private Equity Legal Update – May 2012
This white paper provides a round-up of corporate and company law developments, plus highlights of legal developments from other practice areas relevant to private equity.
Competition law compliance by portfolio companies – what should private equity firms be doing?
A number of recent developments have highlighted the potential exposure of private equity firms to competition law risks as a result of the activities of their portfolio companies. This white paper looks at what private equity firms need to watch out for and how they can minimise the risks that…
Investment Funds - What has happened and what may be to come
This white paper summarises developments affecting the investment funds industry from 2011 and looks at key issues for 2012. This will be of relevance to managers and investors in a wide range of alternative asset investment funds.
Clawback of dividends by the SFO – implications for investors
In early 2012, the SFO sent a warning when it obtained obtained a civil recovery order under the POCA 2002 enabling it to claw back dividends from a shareholder of a company convicted of a criminal offence. This white paper details the actions that private equity firms are, or should, be taking.
Investment Funds – Guidance on duties of independent directors of investment funds
The Weavering judgment gives very specific examples of the ways in which the directors of an investment fund were held to have failed to fulfil their duties and sets out important guidelines for fund directors.