707 white papers and resources
Regulation underpins the practices and procedures of every single activity undertaken by the banking and finance communities: from what information needs to be contained in a disclosure document through to what constitutes bribery. Regulation is increasingly in focus, as the world’s governments struggle to bring us all back to financial stability. Below you will find law and regulation white papers that will show you the latest developments and what you need to do so your organisation stays within the law.
Breaking down IFRS 9 implementation
This white paper addresses the common technical and operational issues involved in IFRS 9 projects and solutions implementation, outlining areas of best practice and common pitfalls that should be avoided.
Regulatory Information Brief: MiFID II - Trade Supervision: First Defence
This white paper explores what is involved in implementing new regulations and how the front office will need to adapt in response to the changes.
2016 EMEA & APAC Ethics & Compliance Benchmark Report
This report outlines some of the main benchmarks for ethics and compliance programs, as well as giving an insight into how to calculate and capitalise on them.
MiFIR Special Report
This white paper discusses the issues raised by MiFIR reporting and explores various challenges that financial institutions face when implementing this new regulation. The paper further provides in-depth analysis from industry experts in the form of a virtual roundtable and Q&A.
Regulatory Information Brief: MiFID II – Risk Requirements: Re-examining Risk
This white paper outlines several key articles from MiFID II, which financial institutions should examine in order to make sure they comply with the new risk requirements.
Bribery and Corruption: The Essential Guide to Managing the Risks
This white paper outlines the key aspects of an effective process framework for managing the risks of bribery and corrupt payments.
IFRS 9: Unexpected Gains from Expected Losses
This white paper explores IFRS 9 requirements and discusses how implementing a successful IFRS 9 strategy will allow organisations to justify key decisions and actions to employees and external supervisors.
A Fresh Perspective: Enhancing Transaction Cost Analysis Effectiveness
Having examined existing trends and attitudes to transaction cost analysis, this white paper describes how organisations can build upon current their use of this analytical tool in order to improve the investment process.
The Future of Collateral Management
This white paper focuses on the future of collateral management and examines how new regulation has significantly impacted the risks of providing collateral.
The 10 greatest challenges and pitfalls when designing and implementing SA-CCR
This white paper explores the greatest challenges financial institutions will face when implementing SA-CCR.