707 white papers and resources
Regulation underpins the practices and procedures of every single activity undertaken by the banking and finance communities: from what information needs to be contained in a disclosure document through to what constitutes bribery. Regulation is increasingly in focus, as the world’s governments struggle to bring us all back to financial stability. Below you will find law and regulation white papers that will show you the latest developments and what you need to do so your organisation stays within the law.
Setting the Stage: FATCA Compliance
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act stands to transform the global tax framework and how financial institutions track and report on their clients’ financial assets. With the law slated to come into effect in 2013, its implications and how financial institutions need to prepare is considered.
Meeting the Requirements of Emerging Regulations in Finance, Risk and Treasury Operations
Banks must meet ever more varied regulations. The sheer scale and scope of banking regulations, including Dodd-Frank, Basel III and IFRS, pose challenges to all financial institutions. This white paper discusses how to minimise these risks through aligning finance, risk and treasury operations.
Basel III Data Aggregation – Asking the Impossible?
For the first time in banking regulation there are explicit requirements for accuracy, completeness and timeliness in the aggregation of risk data. This white paper considers these obligations as set out in Basel III, and discusses how to build the systems and processes that can best ensure cost…
Basel Committee 2012 – Risk Data Aggregation
As regulators reviews key lessons from the financial crisis, banks face new requirements to ensure that their information technology and data architectures are adequate in supporting the broad management of financial risks. This white paper discusses how this can be achieved.
Remuneration deferral under the AIFMD: London’s next 50p tax moment?
In June 2012, ESMA issued a consultation paper on its guidelines on sound remuneration policies under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive. ESMA will consider all comments received by 27 September 2012. This white paper analyses the issues under discussion and their likely impact.
EMIR nears the finish line
EMIR came into force on 16 August 2012. While most obligations under EMIR do not take effect until 2013, market participants should be increasingly focused on its impact on their businesses. Under discussion is the soon-to-be finalised detailed standards which cover how EMIR will work in practice.
Private Equity Legal Update – July 2012
This white paper includes a round-up of recent case law, plus highlights of the latest environmental, regulatory, competition and employment law developments of relevance to those involved in private equity.
Light or shade? The future of bank-intermediated credit
As the implications of the slew of financial services regulation targeting the banking sector becomes clear, governments and regulators around the world are turning their attention to shadow banking. This white paper discusses this extremely challenging topic.
The impact of Solvency II on bond management
This white paper analyses the bond Solvency Capital Requirement as a risk measure, the effects of this risk measure on bond management within a return volatility-Value-at-Risk-SCR universe, and whether Solvency II will lead to a new bond hierarchy and arbitrage opportunities.
The euro: the ultimate crib
This white paper is a summary checklist of the state of the art about contingency planning for a euro breakup.