456 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of compliance white papers and analysis reports by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all financial regulatory requirements. Compliance means conforming to a set of best practice controls set by the organisation or externally, by governments and non-governmental bodies. They are enforced usually through management processes that identify, assess and initiate relevant corrective action each time these laws, policies, regulations, contracts or strategies are broken.
Turning Reform into Competitive Advantage
As Europe embraces a new era of cleared and executed derivativestrading, market participants will have to maximize operational efficiencies to improve risk management, provide greater transparency to clients and counterparties, and to create smoother workflows.
Rebuilding Customer Trust in Retail Banking
Successful relationships with customers in the digital world are high-trust relationships. This white paper looks at how the banking industry distracted itself by failing to put the interests of the customer at the heart of their operations.
How customer-centric transformation can lead to an increase in revenue and streamline operations
Sluggish economic growth, stricter regulatory requirements and rapidly changing consumer behaviour are placing unprecedented demands on the banking industry.This white paper looks at the importance of customer-centric banking within a highly regulated industry.
Delivering the front office of the future, today
If you are a C-level executive or heading up a trading function in a bank,you will be facing enormous challenges and opportunities in this post-financial crisis era.
How to End the Balkanization of Risk Exposure
Over the past decade, the pressure hasbeen building on non-financial, multinational corporations (MNCs) to meet higher standards for financial reporting and risk management.
FRCP and metadata: avoiding the lurking e-discovery disaster
You will learn practical ways to deal with the issues raised by metadata under the new FRCP amendments, to prepare your organisation and your legal team to understand these issues, and to take appropriate practical steps to deal with your metadata in the new FRCP-driven legal environment.
Finding the Right Path to Hedge Accounting
CFOs will have to re-evaluate their hedge accounting strategies to mitigate a new wave of exposure challenges caused by volatile energy and equity markets. This white paper reviews forthcoming changes to the current system of hedge accounting.
Don’t get left behind – how financial services need to consider their IT infrastructure
The global credit crisis exposed the weaknesses inherent in the risk management and IT infrastructures employed by banks. Learn how these weaknesses can be overcome to increase competitiveness and reduce risks.
Flexible technology needed to respond to regulatory change
This webcast looks at the risk measurement, portfolio valuation and modeling assumption changes that the financial industry is undergoing as a result of the 2008 crisis.
Anti-Money Laundering when transaction monitoring is not sufficient
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) operations had been regarded as a cost of doing business by the majority of financial institutions. This white paper reviews the current AML challenges that the banking industry faces.