456 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of compliance white papers and analysis reports by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all financial regulatory requirements. Compliance means conforming to a set of best practice controls set by the organisation or externally, by governments and non-governmental bodies. They are enforced usually through management processes that identify, assess and initiate relevant corrective action each time these laws, policies, regulations, contracts or strategies are broken.
Are You Able To Identify Money Laundering Behavior?
This real-time transaction monitoring game offers users the chance to showcase their expertise and identify suspicious transactions and catch criminals, while also minimizing false positives.
The 5 faces of dynamic workforce risk
This whitepaper explains the five faces of dynamic workforce risk.
Stress Testing 2.0: Better Informed Decisions Through Expanded Scenario-Based Risk Management
This paper reviews the maturation of regulatory stress test regimes and explores diverse use cases where stress testing (or, more broadly, scenario-based analysis) may provide value beyond regulatory stress testing.
An insider’s guide to SFTR for the buy-side
This whitepaper will guide you on how to run your programme of work for SFTR. It highlights the most pressing and difficult areas that you should be aware of and gives a balanced view on the best solutions, including a comparison of the reporting models available.
LDTI VS IFRS 17 - Simpler, But Not Simple
An outline of the critical areas to consider when assessing your plan for IFRS 17 and LDTI.
How to Update $400 Trillion in Contracts for LIBOR Transition
This white paper details the challenges ahead, and shows how the application of workflow, and document collaboration technologies coupled with artificial intelligence (AI), can help manage these challenges and facilitate LIBOR transition at scale.
Digital Risk Report 2nd Edition
This Risk Report offers important global perspectives from 1,050 organisations on the state of digital risk including top risk management priorities, the changes being implemented to manage risk today and drivers for future investment.
The Watchlist: Insurance Contract Financial Transparency Moves Into the Spotlight
Read this article on how IFRS 17 can help you to achieve greater alignment across the organization in driving both top- and bottom-line growth. Review the components to be included in a complete solution design to support the new standard, while advancing alignment and transparency.
IFRS 17: A Survival Guide
Compliance with the complex new standard for insurance contracts will require an overhaul of the processes and the IT systems and this Survival Guide will help you successfully navigate the change.
How will Banks respond to ECB Validation Reporting and Model Risk Management requirements?
This white paper aims to understand whether and how banks are approaching ECB recent requirements and to identify best practices for compliance.