
705 white papers and resources

Regulation underpins the practices and procedures of every single activity undertaken by the banking and finance communities: from what information needs to be contained in a disclosure document through to what constitutes bribery. Regulation is increasingly in focus, as the world’s governments struggle to bring us all back to financial stability. Below you will find law and regulation white papers that will show you the latest developments and what you need to do so your organisation stays within the law.

SunGard pre-empts Dodd-Frank dilemmas

Organisations are preparing for the implementation of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act regulations. Senior executive vice president at SunGard Energy & Commodities, Ben Jackson, explains how to pave the way and avoid getting caught out.

A legal guide to investing in France

This white paper from Herbert Smith gives an overview of France’s legal environment in the key areas that matter most to foreign investors. France remains today one of the most attractive countries in the world for investors.

Solvency II: data quality and governance

The Solvency II directive for insurance and reinsurance companies in the EU comes into force December 31, 2012. To comply, companies must either use a one-size-fits-all approach or build an internal model. The latter is likely to be more efficient, but ensuring accuracy is a major concern.