Credit Risk

262 white papers and resources

Risk Library provides a number of credit risk white papers, industry reports and opinions, which can be used to aid the decision making process and to reduce your organisations credit risk exposure. Credit risk is the type of risk that a lender assumes. As a form of compensation for taking on the risk, a lender receives interest repayments at an agreed upon rate. However, if a borrower defaults on agreed repayments, lenders may lose the partial or full sum and interest of the loan. This could result in the lender incurring further costs such as collection of debt owed and disruption to cash flow.

Recalibration machine

A revolution is under way in the market of contingent claims, the consequences of which are yet to be learned. Trilemma, a new technology vendor, addresses the shift in the pricing of these claims from a probability theory to a recalibration machine. It compares this shift to the scientific…

Risk Model Validation

Senior management are expected to make crucial business decisions using complex risk models. Controversial discussions concerning the use of risk models during the financial crisis, and the new regulatory framework, have highlighted the need for a consistent approach, and the dangers that exist.

Finding Safe Harbour

As regional banks cautiously develop currency markets and sovereign risk threatens global market stability, Société Générale explains why going back to basics is a sound strategy.

Transformational change

BNY Mellon this year launched Derivatives Collateral Net (DCN), a unique netting service for derivatives collateral management. Scott Linden and Mark Robinson of BNY Mellon talk about how they see it transforming the industry.

Wrong Way Risk

Dan Travers and Jean-Marc Schwob explain how a credit risk system that combines numerical analysis with risk sensitivities can help risk managers to detect ‘wrong-way risk’ and highlight potential hot spots in their credit portfolios.