Liquidity Risk
177 white papers and resources
Liquidity Risk
Practices and emerging trends in asset liability management and liquidity risk
Asset Liability Management (ALM) plays a critical role in weaving together the different business lines in a financial institution. Managing liquidity and the balance sheet are crucial to the existence of a financial institution and sustenance of its operations. It is also essential for seamless…
The ultimate risk – flawed liquidity risk management
As the global financial services industry digests Dodd-Frank, Basel III, European bank stress tests and the inexplicable ‘flash crash’ that downed Dow Jones 700 points in minutes, the question is where to now?
Tips of the trade
A panel of experts was convened for this virtual roundtable, sponsored by Sybase, in which they discuss the challenges facing financial institutions in meeting new liquidity regulations and share some tips for best practice in stress-testing a liquidity risk framework.
Taking liquidity stress testing to a higher level
Offering highly secure, high-availability software solutions that meet the trading industry’s needs for intensive transaction processing, advanced analytics and modelling.
Improving cash flow and liquidity management
This paper from SAP discusses the challenges of keeping commercial cash flows healthy and improving liquidity management.
Liquidity Risk - lessons from the 2009 crisis
The Risk and Thomson Reuters liquidity survey reveals how organisations have tackled the challenges of liquidity risk management.
How to Manage Liquidity Risk
Effective management of liquidity risk is more critical now than ever before. The consequences of failure are not simply lower profits: they are far-reaching and highly destructive. This article discusses how this risk can be controlled and turned into a strength for financial institutions.