Market Risk
378 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a number of market risk white papers, industry reports and opinions, which can be used to aid the decision making process and help reduce your organisations exposure.
2018 China Market Outlook
This white paper examines the drivers of Chinese market performance (2017), as well as the upcoming opportunities and challenges of 2018. It goes on to further explore the risks to be mindful of, as well as the current trends and their effect on the wider marketplace.
Integrating smart beta into a developing Chinese market
This Q&A discusses the key factors that investors need to consider when thinking of utilising a smart beta strategy. It further explores how your organisation can improve its exposure to Asian markets, particularly China
The Acceleration of Emerging Market Swap Clearing
This white paper addresses the reasons driving voluntary clearing of emerging market swaps, including the counterparty, capital and operational efficiencies.
Unified data – Key to IFRS 9 implementation Regulatory information brief (Part II)
In the drive for IFRS 9 compliance, the way institutions manage and utilise data will drastically change. This white paper explores how - for firms looking to capitalise on this overhaul - utilising external data sources to ensure efficiency and freeing of in-house resources is pivotal for…
FRTB readiness - Examining the potential pitfalls ahead
This white paper addresses the key challenges of FRTB implementation and compliance. It further examines the complexity of managing and collecting all the data required to adequately comply with the FRTB rules.
Liquidity management - Regulators bare their teeth
This special report focuses on the business and operational benefits that banks stand to accrue through the systematization of their cash and liquidity management functions, while also examining the technologies and best practices that firms might look to develop to make such endeavors feasible.
MiFID II - Key Impacts for Trade Surveillance & Communications Monitoring
This white paper provides a overview and checklist of the key elements of MIFID II (and its accompanying Regulation – MiFIR) which are likely to create new obligations for your trade surveillance function. It further explores the regulatory technical standards issued and their area of influence.
Brexit and Clearing - Local, the new Global
This white paper analyses the implications for 3 different Brexit scenarios for central counterparties (CCPs, or clearing houses), clearing brokers and end users. Download the paper to ensure your organisation can be fully prepared for a "hard", "medium" or "soft" Brexit.
TCA and fair execution. The metrics that the FX industry must use.
This white paper proposes the blueprint for FX TCA methodology that enables market participants to calculate and compare trading costs across both firm and last look liquidity.
Liquidity risk - Some practical challenges remain, but this is the time to automate & integrate
This white paper explores why banks must integrate the management of liquidity and interest rate risks under ALM, and move toward true risk-adjusted pricing by implementing the technology platforms that support such solutions.