Operational Risk
481 white papers and resources
Below you will find a collection of operational risk white papers by industry leading experts. This information resource looks at key industry issues and practices, which can be used to aid in the decision-making process and help maintain a competitive advantage. Operational risk is the type risk that a company is exposed to from the execution of business functions. It is a wide concept that has rapidly evolved over the years. It includes risk that arises from the break downs of internal procedures, systems and people, plus external events. Fraud risks, legal risks, physical risk and environmental risks also are encompassed in operational risk.
Overcoming complexity in credit funds
This white paper examines why hedge funds in the credit space frequently end up with a patchwork of infrastructure that is expensive to maintain and difficult to scale; and how funds can overcome these issues with a more holistic and modular approach.
Insurers: Are You Ready for IFRS 17?
This white paper explains why insurers should be taking action now to prepare for the new requirements, and what to look for in an IFRS 17 solution.
Market Response to Recent FOMC Rate Decisions - How Markets Behave Before & After Fed Rates Decisions
This white paper provides a review of how markets behave before and after Fed rate decisions and explores the impact of Fed rate decisions to market pricing.
Facing the future - Developing a response to regulatory change
This white paper discusses the steps to enabling full compliance with current regulations in Asia-Pacific. It further examines the challenges associated with new regulations and establishing a robust framework to respond to future regulatory change.
Smarter thinking around financial crime prevention
This white paper assesses the key challenges and potential risks of current anti-money laundering and customer due diligence processes, and discusses the opportunity for artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies to drive a step-change in efficiency.
The Path from GRC to Integrated Risk Management
This white paper maps out the path from a pre-digital, compliance-driven risk management strategy to an adaptable, integrated approach that can keep pace with the fast-changing digital world.
How banks can keep pace with XVA
With budgets and resources under pressure, and traditional systems struggling to cope with data volume and complexity, this white paper considers how banks can leverage new technologies to gain a more consistent view across the trades in their portfolios, saving time and money in the process.
Back-testing of Expected Shortfall: Main challenges and methodologies
This white paper aims at presenting the latest developments in the field of ES back-testing methodologies and introducing new methodologies developed by the Global Research & Analytics (GRA) team of Chappuis Halder & Co.
The future of compliance - How cognitive computing is transforming the banking industry
This white paper is designed to help financial institutions efficiently identify and effectively manage their global compliance requirements. With regulations increasing and fines for non-compliance in the billions, financial institutions must transform compliance management.
Harvard Business Review: Living in GDPR's World
Harvard Business Review provides a fresh take on GDPR in its new report, “Living in GDPR’s World: How Companies Can Survive and Thrive under a Demanding New Set of Data Privacy Rules.”