Structured Products

154 white papers and resources

Below are a collection of structured products white papers which will show current thinking and modelling. Structured Products are designed to meet the financing requirements of companies beyond the remit of more conventional financial products. Generally offered by the large financial institutions, they are highly complex in nature and will be customised to meet specific risk-return objectives. Common structured products include collateralised bond obligations (CBOs), collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) and syndicated loans.

Fair valuations - what lies beneath

This whitepaper focuses on the challenges and opportunities facing buy-side and sell-side firms when it comes to determining fair valuations for complex and thinly-traded securities like certain derivatives and fixed income instruments. It highlights the difficulties facing capital markets firms…


This latest research paper examines the profile and performance characteristics of the STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X Index, STOXX® USA 500 ESG-X Index and STOXX® Global 1800 ESG-X Index. ​​​​​​​Download the white paper to discover the true scope of STOXX ESG-X Indices.