680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Known Unknowns: Assessing Liquidity In The Age Of COVID-19
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, as governments prepared themselves for worst-case scenarios and financial markets whipsawed from record one-day losses to record one-day gains and back again within a span of just days, there has been one variable keeping the world’s central bankers awake at night …
7 Social Distancing Ideas For Regulatory Reporting In The Cloud
As the pandemic crisis wears on, financial institutions are experiencing significant disruptions from the effects of operating indefinitely with a remote workforce. These disruptions are accelerating their efforts to move their regulatory reporting processes to the cloud. Deliberations center on…
Going Green With Your Data: Achieving Cross-Report Reconciliation for Regulatory Requirements
Going Green With Your Data – Achieving Cross-Report Reconciliation arises from AxiomSL’s more than 25 years of industry experience working with global financial institutions on regulatory reporting and its deep understanding of the evolution of regulatory reporting data. The idea of “green” data…
Navigating Turbulent Waters – Are We Prepared for the Basel Journey?
The expansion of Basel requirements involves more than a simple finalization of Basel III reforms. The updated requirements and new calculation rules are so comprehensive that they have been informally dubbed “Basel IV” and there is no industry consensus on what a future Basel regulatory scenario…
Outsourcing and the Buy Side—Coming Around Again
This whitepaper demonstrates how and why buy-side firms believe every function from the front to the back office is up for consideration.
Which multi-asset class risk model is right for you?
This guide details three multi-asset class risk models that global firms rely on and the benefits of each:
Next steps for MRM in South‑east Asia
Financial institutions across South‑east Asia face challenges assessing and measuring non-financial risks (NFRs) inherent in their business models, and are therefore concerned about regulatory scrutiny, transparency and the use of models within their businesses. SAS explores how financial…
Real Estate Business Plan Modelling via Monte Carlo Simulation
This whitepaper provides an overview of the real estate sector before looking at a fully integrated and macro-based stochastic simulation tool for the evaluation of a real estate investment via Project Financing.
Four Paths to Managing Third-Party Risk in the Digital Era
This paper describes four aspects of third-party relationships that an organization must address in their effort to successfully manage third-party risk.
Credit Risk Management Under Basel IV and Beyond
Basel IV has changed the way banks need to deal with the impact of credit risk on their finance, risk and regulatory compliance functions. It is no longer enough to address credit risk in isolation, as was the case under the Basel I and II guidelines.