
680 white papers and resources

Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.

Eurex Clearing offers more ways to rein-in risk

In 2009, while the industry was still reeling from the financial crisis, Eurex Clearing was busy developing additional solutions to help customers rein-in risk. In fact, the leading European clearing house has been performing real-time risk monitoring since June 2009, as Eurex Clearing’s Head of…

Five signs your file data is at risk

Insider threats & regulatory compliance make protecting sensitive file data a business requirement for every organisation. However, sheer volume of file data and its continuous growth make it a challenge to secure properly. This paper asks 5 questions to help you assess your file security posture.

Regulation & ETRM solutions

New financial regulation poses fresh challenges to companies’ financial technology and systems. In a Q&A sponsored by Sapient Global Markets, Energy Risk discusses with experts how they can respond and what will be the impact on market developments.