Market Risk
378 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a number of market risk white papers, industry reports and opinions, which can be used to aid the decision making process and help reduce your organisations exposure.
Market Response to Recent FOMC Rate Decisions - How Markets Behave Before & After Fed Rates Decisions
This white paper provides a review of how markets behave before and after Fed rate decisions and explores the impact of Fed rate decisions to market pricing.
OTC FX & FX Futures, Linked
This white paper describes the mechanism, with three use cases, for using CME FX Link – the first ever electronic spread between OTC FX and FX Futures.
The Path from GRC to Integrated Risk Management
This white paper maps out the path from a pre-digital, compliance-driven risk management strategy to an adaptable, integrated approach that can keep pace with the fast-changing digital world.
Back-testing of Expected Shortfall: Main challenges and methodologies
This white paper aims at presenting the latest developments in the field of ES back-testing methodologies and introducing new methodologies developed by the Global Research & Analytics (GRA) team of Chappuis Halder & Co.
The future of compliance - How cognitive computing is transforming the banking industry
This white paper is designed to help financial institutions efficiently identify and effectively manage their global compliance requirements. With regulations increasing and fines for non-compliance in the billions, financial institutions must transform compliance management.
Tax Data Report - Fast-Forward into a New Era of Tax Data Management
This white paper explores the ever changing tax regulation and cross-border taxation data challenges. It further aims to complete the tax data puzzle and unlock the potential value of standardized and consistent tax data and fully automated processes.
The Current State of XVA Adoption
This XVA forum features a panel of industry leaders assessing the major factors driving XVA adoption today.
The Compliance Complexity Index 2018 - Meeting the global challenge of evolving corporate compliance
This Compliance Complexity Index gives a detailed understanding of the changing picture for corporate compliance in 84 jurisdictions, as well as across continents and globally. It takes the pulse of a sector that is increasingly at the centre of change, growing at a crucial speed and fundamental…
A balanced and practical approach to CECL
This white paper outlines how institutions can practically address the transition to CECL in a controlled, secure, and scalable environment that stands up to the high degree of scrutiny associated with significant financial statement estimates.
Blockchain Potential in Financial Services - Video Highlights
This animated video provides highlights from an exclusive survey from WatersTechnology, in association with SmartStream. It surveyed a diverse mix of personnel and aimed to assess the industry’s state of readiness around blockchain and to identify the significant challenges to adoption still at…