680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Creating Safe and Fair Markets
In this white paper intended for the wider financial industry, we present our vision for the design and regulation of electronic financial markets empowered by formal verification.
Real-World Equity & Volatility Behavior: Implications for Economic Scenario Generation
This paper examines the differences between risk-neutral dynamics and real-world dynamics, and the important role of risk premia. We highlight why real-world dynamics are necessary for risk analysis and scenario generation, and also explore the roles of the equity premium and volatility premium in…
Clearing the Hurdles to Meaningful Trade Reporting
When the new derivatives rules established trade reporting as one of the key goals, regulators assumed that this would unlock the door to market transparency and the ability to monitor systemic risk. While much progress has been made, as trades flow into the trade repositories, it is widely…
OECD CRS: The Global Challenge for Automatic Account Reporting
FATCA, and in particular the implementation via intergovernmental agreements, has triggered a global waveof regulatory measures geared towards an automatic exchange of tax-related information and increased tax transparency. This currently culminates in the upcoming implementation of the OECD Common…
OTC IRS Portfolio Optimisation: how trade compression could save funds $mlns before the 2016 European Clearing Mandate strikes
This white paper describes a new approach to trade compression that allows fund managers to reduce the costs of swap clearing by up to 80% by eliminating excess gross notional from their books. The aim is to increase both trading and clearing efficiency in advance of the impending 2016 European…
Governance, risk and compliance survey 2014
For firms wrestling with the ever-changing demands of regulation and risk management, an integrated governance, risk and compliance (GRC) solution can be a powerful ally. However, this survey of risk practitioners, conducted by Operational Risk & Regulation and sponsored by IBM, reveals that many…
Dynamic Stress Test Diffusion Model Considering the Credit Score Performance
This white paper proposes a methodology that diffuses dynamically the stress on the credit rating scale while considering the performance of the credit score. Consequently, the aim is to more accurately reflect the impact of the stress on the portfolio by taking into account the purity of the score…
Equity Market Pulse, Issue 2 – Q4 2014
Driven by S&P Capital IQ’s™ proprietary data and analytics, Equity Market Pulse provides professional investors with insights into global equity market fundamentals and performance at a glance. Spanning developed and emerging markets in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, it provides perspective on…
Equity Market Pulse, Issue 3 – Q1 2015
Equity Market Pulse provides professional investors with insights into global equity market fundamentals and performance at a glance. Spanning developed and emerging markets in the Americas, Europe and Asia, it provides perspective on fundamentals, valuations and investment strategy effectiveness.
Special report: Unauthorised trading
Download this special report from Operational Risk & Regulation to find out why the risk of unauthorised trading grows from cultural and control problems and what can be learned from UBS’s $2.3 billion rogue trading loss uncovered in 2011. Read also an interview with Neil Roth, New York-based head…