707 white papers and resources
Regulation underpins the practices and procedures of every single activity undertaken by the banking and finance communities: from what information needs to be contained in a disclosure document through to what constitutes bribery. Regulation is increasingly in focus, as the world’s governments struggle to bring us all back to financial stability. Below you will find law and regulation white papers that will show you the latest developments and what you need to do so your organisation stays within the law.
Rising to the Intraday Challenge
This white paper explores the new requirements for intraday cash and liquidity management reporting introduced by Basel III. The paper further provides a solution to help organisations comply with this new regulation.
Mitigate Model Risk and Reduce Model-Related Costs
This white paper explores approaches to model risk management and its challenges. The paper provides a solution to help organisations better manage model risk by establishing risk mitigation and cost reduction strategies..
A Summary of BCBS Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book Directive
This white paper summarizes the core Pillar 2 approach of Interest Rate in the Banking Book (IRRBB), and the alternative Pillar 1 approach of IRRBB used by certain banks in a few situations. It also includes a practical approach to implementing IRRBB.
Operational failures of regulatory risk management – Updating the three lines of defence model
This white paper examines current attitudes towards the Three Lines of Defence (3 LoD) model for risk governance. It is based on a survey of compliance and risk practitioners across all three lines working at banks worldwide.
FRTB: The Technology Considerations and What You Need to Know
As the 2019 FRTB implementation deadline approaches, this white paper explores the technology infrastructure needed to meet the flexibility, agility, scalability and computational requirements of FRTB.
2017 Culture and Compliance Benchmark Report
This white paper explores the top objectives, pain points and programme strategies for ethics and compliance professionals. The paper further helps organisations evaluate their ethics and compliance programme in a broader context.
Third-Party Risk Management - How to successfully mitigate your organisation's third-party risk
This white paper addresses organisational approaches to third party risk management and due diligence. The paper is full of insight, advice and examples to help organizations recognize and address their third-party risk.
Cognitive Computing and Data Challenges - Q&A with IBM's Diane Reynolds
Diane Reynolds is Chief Data Scientist at IBM Industry Solutions for the financial services sector. In this exclusive video Diane discusses the cognitive computing capabilities that IBM is currently developing.
Regulation & Compliance - Q&A with IBM's Grace Brasington
In this exclusive video Grace Brasington (Vice President, Risk and Compliance, IBM Watson) discusses the key risk and regulatory compliance issues faced by many of today's organisations. The video further discusses the solutions being built to help organisations overcome these issues.
Buy-side Risk Management Technology: Risk Chartis Market Report
This market report conducted by Risk and Chartis breaks down risk management technology and opportunities. Among many things, the report examines the risk technology solutions landscape as well as the key risks faced by many of today’s buy-side organisations.