680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Scrutinizing the Bottom Line: Managing the Back Office and Reallocating Working Capital to Optimize the Business
One of the key issues that arose during the recent Rimini Street webinar, Scrutinizing the Bottom Line: Managing the Back Office and Reallocating Working Capital to Optimize the Business, is the extent to which company culture and willingness to embrace change drive capital markets firms’…
How the covid-19 pandemic altered the future of risk
No one could have foreseen the degree to which COVID-19 would disrupt lives, economies, and markets worldwide— or could we have? And how can risk managers hope to hedge against future black swan events—that is, those highly rare, high-impact, widespread occurrences that shake up global markets and…
How AI Builds and Sustains A Competitive Advantage in Banking
This whitepaper helps to explain why, going forward, we’re confident that AI-driven banking solutions will not only continue to be deployed on an increasing scale, they’ll become steadily more powerful, versatile, and woven more tightly into the DNA of the core business. We believe AI will create…
Chartis RiskTech Quadrant Outsourced Trading Solutions, 2021: CF Global Trading
As the buy-side increasingly views the sell-side as ‘algo delivery systems,’ asset managers are increasingly demanding ‘higher-touch’ solutions that address their trading pain points head-on. The coronavirus pandemic and the expanding working from home (WFH) environment have led to growing demand…
Contextual Decision Intelligence: Raising the Bar of AML Detection and Investigation
This Impact Report sets forth a case study that explores the imperative for new and emerging AML technologies for the financial services industry. It reveals how tools such as dynamic segmentation, entity resolution, network link analysis, and advanced analytics deliver greater risk coverage as…
Maximize Your Decision Intelligence by Analyzing Contextual Data Across the Enterprise
Only 10% of data deemed potentially useful by enterprises is actually being analyzed today. With the right technology, organizations can harness the value of their huge volumes of data. What will you learn from this document: - The missed opportunity of today’s analytics investments - Opening up…
Why do BI solutions struggle so much when it comes to market risk analytics?
This white paper addresses the deficits in business intelligence solutions for market risk since many lose performance once faced with non-linear calculations and aggregation of complex financial instruments. It also looks at how to weave together disparate technologies across the bank and…
Connected Data - Unlocking Hidden Value in Market and Reference Data Across the Organisation
Refinitiv recently conducted a survey of nearly 1600 executives who engage with market and reference data globally. This survey seeks to uncover how firms’ market and reference data strategies are evolving in response. What we found is that firms currently do not have access to the market and…
Agile model risk management: A new way forward for financial services
Model Risk Management (MRM) is moving up the corporate agenda as reliance on models grows and the scrutiny of management, stakeholders and regulators becomes more intense.
A sharper focus on credit risk | Accessing Basel III SCRA data
The final Basel III framework will usher in a more nuanced approach to credit risk assessment. To address the challenges and benefit from the attendant opportunities, organisations need to be able to gather and manage the necessary data.