Risk Systems
291 white papers and resources
Risk systems
KLP empowers the front and middle office with advanced risk analytics
When the future financial security of more than 700,000 people depends on the astute fund management decisions of 58 asset managers, it’s vital to put all the relevant risk-related data at their fingertips.
Will your business practices come back to haunt you? Use technology to mitigate your chances of conduct risk
Conduct risk is not something that can be identified by applying a simple boilerplate. Each financial services business will have its own culture, customer base, product portfolio and marketing strategy, so the risks will to some extent be bespoke to the business and they may also be deep-rooted.
Datafeeds Special Report - The need for feeds more than just speed
Barely a decade ago, traders begun eschewing traditional consolidated data feeds in favour of direct feeds from exchanges, in their pursuit of lower latency. The markets were becoming faster, and everyone had to keep pace if they wanted to remain competitive.
Internal Audit Management: Internal audit and its evolving role in GRC
This white paper looks at the evolution of audit, independent assurance versus integrated partnership, as well as, the change from “Docu-centric” to “data-centric”. It goes onto provide insight into audit and risk mitigation synergy.
Free webinar: Optimise IT governance with a sustainable risk and compliance approach: aligning IT with corporate initiatives, strategy and regulatory requirements
Free webinar: Optimise IT governance with a sustainable risk and compliance approach: aligning IT with corporate initiatives, strategy and regulatory requirements. 9th of July, 3pm BST/10 am ET.
Battling fraud at the root cause: How cybercriminals bypass your security defenses and what you can do about it
This white paper provides an overview of how cybercriminals circumvent security measures at each stage of a transaction’s lifecycle — pre- login, during login and post-login — and offers strategies to help financial organizations combat malware-driven attacks.
Creating Effective Risk Models Using Machine Intelligence
This white paper looks into the current approaches to risk model development, validation, and monitoring. It goes further by discussing the challenges business face within these areas and examines how machine intelligence can provide solutions.
Selecting the right cybercrime-prevention solution
Financial institutions, commercial enterprises and government organisations are all prime targets for cyber-crime. Malicious software, or malware, is the primary attack tool used by cyber criminals to execute account takeover attacks, stealcredentials and personal information, and initiate…
Hedge Funds: Facing new challenges
The global financial markets are on the threshold of a new regulatory era. Technology will undoubtedly underpin hedge funds’ efforts to comply and compete in this changing environment. But is it better to build tailor-made systems in-house or use a third-party provider of off-the-shelf products?
Predictive intelligence, advanced analytics and the future of risk-aware decision making
There are a lot of similarities between risk management and weather forecasting, and risk management professionals can learn a lot fromstudying how weather forecasters have approached the challenging task of predicting future events. An important component of a risk manager’s job involves…