680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Improved decision-making and business insight using a holistic ALM solution
This white paper outlines a more holistic approach to ALM modeling that captures a detailed view of both the assets and liabilities and the interactions between them in a common framework.
A sophisticated approach to capital modelling
How can you stop seeing regulatory change as an obstacle, and start seeing it as an opportunity? As regulators in the insurance sector increase their focus on risk management, insurers need to respond quickly to put new systems and processes in place.
Mastering Model Risk: Assessment, Regulation and Best Practices
In this white paper, we explore the evolution of model risk, including regulatory drivers and industry challenges. We also take a closer look at model risk analysis, examining model assessment, validation and review processes.
How Transparency in German Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Plant Production Impacts Trading
In this paper, Genscape has analysed Combined Heat and Power or Central Heat and Power (CHP)production in the German market, the challenges it raises for market participants, and the key stepsrequired to address the fundamental lack of transparency in CHP plant production.
Risk Transparency
This report is a valuable resource which will enable you to gain a competitive advantage in the increasingly important area of risk transparency and reporting. Learn how to dissect the form, content and subjective transparency of the information you provide to management and outside stakeholders;…
The Changing Face of Risk Management in the New Regulatory Environment
The precarious recovery from the global recession and fiscal tightening in the western world has caused volatility in financial markets to rise sharply. This white paper discusses the imperative for banks to strengthen their risk management frameworks.
Getting SMART with Anti Money Laundering: Detection, Investigation and Reporting
This paper will address some of the issues financial institutions face and will show you how to get SMART with anti-money laundering.
Developing a strong risk appetite program - challenges and solutions
This paper describes several challenges associated with risk appetite program development, technical constraints associated with implementation and some commonly deployed solutions.
Controlled Chaos: Managing the Uncertainties of Renewables in Europe
Producers, system operators and traders in power markets are facing multidimensional challenges in forecasting, optimization, trading, risk management and structural changes caused by the rise of renewables in the European power grid.
Getting to a New Transparency in Netback
Internal and external pressures are causing chief financial officers, chief operating officers and other executives at oil and gas explorationand production(E&P) companies to spotlight the way they are calculating netback pricing and royalties to the owners of the energy sources.