680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
The cloud & the importance of physical operations in oil trading. Why today’s trading companies need operational as well as transactional solutions.
Trading oil used to mostly take place in the virtual world. Oil futures werebought and sold on paper only, with relatively few physical oil movements. Download this white paper and discover how the market has changed.
Enhancing the value chain: how to thrive in an uncertain world
Asset managers are under enormous pressure to operate effectively in today’s New Normal environment. A number of dynamic headwinds have to be overcome if they are to succeed and stand out from the competition.
Transforming the capital markets landscape: innovation at the speed of technology
Several years into the most profound economic crisis of a generation with no clear end in sight, the banking industry has suffered spectacularly. This white paper looks at the challenges that manager face when developing trading systems strategies.
Rebuilding Customer Trust in Retail Banking
Successful relationships with customers in the digital world are high-trust relationships. This white paper looks at how the banking industry distracted itself by failing to put the interests of the customer at the heart of their operations.
How customer-centric transformation can lead to an increase in revenue and streamline operations
Sluggish economic growth, stricter regulatory requirements and rapidly changing consumer behaviour are placing unprecedented demands on the banking industry.This white paper looks at the importance of customer-centric banking within a highly regulated industry.
Delivering the front office of the future, today
If you are a C-level executive or heading up a trading function in a bank,you will be facing enormous challenges and opportunities in this post-financial crisis era.
How to End the Balkanization of Risk Exposure
Over the past decade, the pressure hasbeen building on non-financial, multinational corporations (MNCs) to meet higher standards for financial reporting and risk management.
A guide to managing metadata in today’s public sector organisations
There are challenges in cleaning metadata from documents and protecting public organisations from the inadvertent disclosure of proprietary information. Under review are key questions relating to developing risk management policies and deploying technologies to protect confidentiality in metadata.
How can Sharepoint be used to enhance performance and reduce risk?
This white paper examines five common and important business use cases that require collaborative functionality that is not available or impractical to execute in SharePoint or Office 365 alone, but is easily supported with the addition of Workshare tools.
FRCP and metadata: avoiding the lurking e-discovery disaster
You will learn practical ways to deal with the issues raised by metadata under the new FRCP amendments, to prepare your organisation and your legal team to understand these issues, and to take appropriate practical steps to deal with your metadata in the new FRCP-driven legal environment.