680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
AI Adoption Across Capital Markets - Opportunities, Challenges and Use-Cases
This white paper analyses the results of a recent WatersTechnology survey which aimed to gain a clearer sense of progress in capital markets adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). It further offers a fascinating study into what could be called ‘qualified optimism’ around AI.
Rethinking XVA sensitivities: Making them universally achievable
This white paper explores XVA calculation techniques that can accelerate performance and give banks an advantage over competitors. It further explores the benefits of calculating XVA’s using adjoint automatic differentiation over the ‘bump and run’ technique.
Managing Fraud Risks in the Digital World
This white paper examines the 4 key emerging fraud risks related to digital payments. It further explores how to implement anti-fraud tools and technology, as well as the top five minimum requirements to achieve effective and optimal fraud management.
A Guide to Assessing Cloud IT Economics
As you implement your cloud strategy, you need to shape your choices with full understanding of the impact on budget, resources, and productivity. In this brief, we walk through the cost- and performance-impacting elements you need to consider in your decision, including some that may surprise you.
Regtech – Enabler of the shift from compliance to performance
This white paper examines the results of a recent RegTech survey and explores how banks can get off the compliance treadmill and focus on building their business. It further looks at how RegTech is playing a role in helping them to do just that.
MiFID II and Real-Time Technology Fortify Electronic Trading in OTC Markets
This white paper takes a closer look at what is becoming an ever more increasing universe of high touch transactions, such as OTC derivatives, moving on screen—and the drivers behind this trend. It further explores the role these influencers play in generating a rise in electronic trading.
Advantages of Leveraging VMware Solutions
This white paper highlights the advantages of leveraging VMware solutions on an IBM Cloud platform. It further explores the benefits of cloud economics and cloud infrastructure, while continuing to use the same tools, resources, and capabilities of current, on-premises VMware deployments.
Why You Should Invest in Technology for Process Transformation
This white paper explores an approach for optimising large business reporting frameworks. It further explores a solution, aimed at helping managers to map their current reporting processes and identify their unique constraints.
Adaptiv FRTB Risk Aggregation
This white paper examines how organisations can deliver rich risk aggregation solutions that target requirements such as FRTB. It further explores how Adaptive FRTB Risk Aggregation is built for purpose, to manage the high data volumes and risk aggregation analytics of FRTB calculations.
2018 China Market Outlook
This white paper examines the drivers of Chinese market performance (2017), as well as the upcoming opportunities and challenges of 2018. It goes on to further explore the risks to be mindful of, as well as the current trends and their effect on the wider marketplace.