680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Speaking as one - Convergence in Basel standards will require banks to rethink their risk infrastructures
This white paper explores an enterprise system capable of efficiently supporting the FTRB and internal model approaches in parallel, along with enhancements to their risk governance and reporting.
Gaining Transparency with Changing Regulations
This white paper examines the challenges of adapting to the evolving regulatory landscape. It explores how a smart approach to data and innovative tools build resilience into a business looking to not just weather the storm but seize the advantage.
Finance Industry Data - The Opportunity for Transformation
This white paper explores the benefits of moving financial data from legacy mainframes. It explains why maintenance costs along with lost opportunities builds a strong case for migrating sooner rather than later.
Developing Scenario Segmentation and Anomaly Detection Models - How analytics can be used for BSA/AML compliance programs
This white paper explores how segmentation models can help organisations significantly increase Anti-Money Laundering monitoring. It further explains how to blend both quantitative and qualitative methods to identify activity that poses the most risk to a bank.
Rising to the Intraday Challenge
This white paper explores the new requirements for intraday cash and liquidity management reporting introduced by Basel III. The paper further provides a solution to help organisations comply with this new regulation.
2016 Digital Channel Threat Report - Derisking Convenience
This white paper examines the interplay between the challenges and opportunities afforded by the growing breadth of digital channels offered by financial institutions. It further explores security solutions, background analytics and personnel for robust fraud protection.
FRTB: The Technology Considerations and What You Need to Know
As the 2019 FRTB implementation deadline approaches, this white paper explores the technology infrastructure needed to meet the flexibility, agility, scalability and computational requirements of FRTB.
Risk Analytics & Data Management - Q&A with IBM's Curt Burmeister
Curt Burmeister is Head of Research Innovation and Financial Engineering for IBM Risk Analytics. In this exclusive video Curt discusses risk analytics and the importance of data management.
The financial paradigm shift – The risk management and performance challenge
This white paper examines how well firms are managing portfolios given the data, tools and techniques they are currently using, as well as their level of preparedness for sudden shifts in the investment landscape.
Cognitive Computing and Data Challenges - Q&A with IBM's Diane Reynolds
Diane Reynolds is Chief Data Scientist at IBM Industry Solutions for the financial services sector. In this exclusive video Diane discusses the cognitive computing capabilities that IBM is currently developing.