
680 white papers and resources

Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.

MiFID II - Quick Start Guide

This white paper is designed to help organisations get up and running with the major components and related processes for MiFID II. It further explores how your organisation can quickly build a fully integrated regulatory reporting solution to aid compliance.

MiFID II - Solving the Data Challenge

This white paper addresses one of the key regulations the top executives at financial institutions have on their agenda: MiFID II. What are the key data challenges and what technology is needed to solve them? These and many other questions are answered in this paper.