680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Preparing for The New Impairment Requirements: Practitioner’s View
This white paper discusses the new standards that have been set forth by the FASB and explores how banks should align with the new CECL impairment standards.
Quantification of End User Computing Risk in Financial Services
This report details the risks associated with End User Computing (EUC), as well as the potential consequences to financial institutions. It further discusses the importance of a quantified approach to EUC risk.
Silicon Valley Meets Houston: The emergence of collaboration in energy markets
This white paper highlights how the energy markets can take inspiration from Silicon Valley to establish collaborative business models to discover new opportunities.
Forming FRTB action plans: Tactical vs. Transformational
This report, examines what banks are doing to achieve FRTB compliance and shares examples of best practice from banks who are leading the way. It looks at the operational impacts of implementing new measures and new technologies, and the expected impact on regulatory capital requirements.
Breaking down IFRS 9 implementation
This white paper addresses the common technical and operational issues involved in IFRS 9 projects and solutions implementation, outlining areas of best practice and common pitfalls that should be avoided.
Regulatory Information Brief: MiFID II - Trade Supervision: First Defence
This white paper explores what is involved in implementing new regulations and how the front office will need to adapt in response to the changes.
Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting Solutions 2016: Gresham Vendor Highlights
This report from Chartis explores the key regulatory and business challenges and focusses on the technology landscape for RDAR. It further provides an independent evaluation and description of leading practices from Gresham as well as its competitive position in the market.
MiFIR Special Report
This white paper discusses the issues raised by MiFIR reporting and explores various challenges that financial institutions face when implementing this new regulation. The paper further provides in-depth analysis from industry experts in the form of a virtual roundtable and Q&A.
Regulatory Information Brief: MiFID II – Risk Requirements: Re-examining Risk
This white paper outlines several key articles from MiFID II, which financial institutions should examine in order to make sure they comply with the new risk requirements.
The State of Data Management Programs
This white paper presents a set of considerations based on findings from a recent survey conducted by the Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Council, in order to help organizations achieve operational success.