680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
A Fresh Perspective: Enhancing Transaction Cost Analysis Effectiveness
Having examined existing trends and attitudes to transaction cost analysis, this white paper describes how organisations can build upon current their use of this analytical tool in order to improve the investment process.
The 10 greatest challenges and pitfalls when designing and implementing SA-CCR
This white paper explores the greatest challenges financial institutions will face when implementing SA-CCR.
Regulatory Information Brief: MiFID II - Trade Surveillance: Raising the bar
This white paper discusses the main catalysts for change in recent regulation and the implications this will have for businesses.
Key risks facing the banking sector: Exclusive video content from the annual Risk USA Conference
In this exclusive video content from the Risk USA Conference, hear from the chairman of OCC's National Risk Committee; Darrin Benhart. Darrin will discuss the key risks that the banking industry is currently facing.
Operational risk management in the world of big data
This white paper shows how operational risk solutions can harness the potential of big data in its four dimensions; volume, velocity, variety and veracity.
Banking in the dark: Data control framework for the new risk era
This white paper assesses the impact of the latest directives designed to combat banking risk. The paper further provides practical advice on getting your systems compliant; operating with greater efficiency; and implementing risk controls that power innovation.
A business risk approach to IT governance
This white paper explores the key concepts and challenges with IT governance and how best to take a risk focus approach.
The Game Changes: 10 Essential Elements for Truly Effective Compliance Programs
This paper outlines these game-changers and provides a roadmap with 10 essential elements to getting programs where managements and boards need and want them to be in achieving their compliance objectives.
Data Activate: Your data is an asset. Generate a return.
This white paper provides recommendations and solutions to help enable financial organisations to make better use of the vast data being collected for regulatory purposes. The paper further explains why regulation can now be used as a means to make your business stronger.
Developing a Unified View of Risk: Bridging the Divide Between the Front and Middle Office
This white paper examines the results from a global survey of investment and risk management professionals. The white paper explores the risk management challenges faced by financial firms in today’s markets and how systems can and should adapt in response.