680 white papers and resources
Below you will find technological white papers covering aspects of bank and finance trading. Also, information from some of the leading participants in this field covering what an organisation may need to think about when considering investing in new technology systems and how this will impact upon their business as a whole. Within the context of Risk Library, technology has been defined under algorithmic trading, market data, post-trade, risk systems, technology systems & software and trading systems.
Cray® XC™ Series Supercomputer Accelerates CVA Performance in Addressing Counterparty Risk
This white paper explores the uses for Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) in meeting the ever changing regulation and reporting requirements.
China’s Quest to Global Currency Recognition
This white paper explores the reasons behind the IMF’S decision to include the Chinese yuan into its Special Drawing Rights; the global implications of the inclusion; and what the markets can expect from China in 2016.
Best Practices of Business- Specific Stress Testing: Advice From the Front Lines of Bank Risk Management
This white paper, which is the second in a two part series, explores best practices gathered from banks that are successfully using bank-specific stress tests to run their business smarter, safer and more profitably.
Elements of business-driven stress testing: Going beyond government-mandated stress testing to generate business-specific insights
This white paper, which is the first in a two part series, investigates going beyond government-mandated stress testing to generate business-specific insights and drive better performance.
Credit risk models: Past, present and future - Exclusive video content from the Quant Congress USA Summit
Terry Benzschawel has worked on default models his whole career. In this exclusive video content he looks at the history and origins of credit models, before drawing on present techniques being employed. More importantly Terry discusses the future; and explores consensus models and big data…
Financial Regulation: Emerging Themes in 2016 The Age of Accountability?
We understand that keeping abreast of the latest regulatory developments can be burdensome. To help, our team of financial regulation experts have produced a publication including over 30 practical articles, to help you understand the most important regulatory developments for 2016 and how the…
A Next Generation Risk Management Solution
This white paper explores innovative new solutions which are currently reshaping the way leading financial institutions think about, identify, manage and respond to risk.
Revising the Playbook: Using a Risk Appetite Framework to Align Strategy and Risk
This white paper provides an in-depth analysis in risk appetite and provides an overview of some common problems organizations face. It introduces a solution to develop an integrated, transparent, measurable, and actionable Risk Appetite Framework.
Enterprise Stress Testing Systems 2015: SAS Vendor Highlights
This report provides an independent evaluation and description of leading practices from SAS as well as its competitive position in the market. The report also includes a brief look at key business and regulatory challenges and focuses on the technology landscape for enterprise stress testing.
Financial crime: The sum of the parts is greater than the whole
This white paper discusses five common pitfalls of financial crime prevention and looks at ways to strategically approach it. The paper further explains the benefits of applying a strategic approach to financial crime prevention.